Friday 13 January 2012

Teddy Bear Week

Monday is our Teddy Bear Picnic. Don't forget to bring your teddy bear. The students in the other grade one class will be joining us for Teddy Bear songs, snacks and stories. Yay!!

Our words of the week this week are:
1. out
2. then
3. some

Don't forget to send your shoe box to build a bear habitat this week.
Thanks! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a great holiday. It is great to be back at school. We had an awesome first day back to school. We made New Year's resolutions, bear art, added doubles, and worked hard on some new spelling words. We won't have a spelling test this Friday. The test will be on January 13. Our new words are:
3. him
4. about
5. good
6. make
7. bonus -- because